Should I remove the cracking grout in my recently redone bathroom and replace it with silicone as originally requested?
6 months ago
Last Updated: September 3, 2024
You may be opening up a controversial topic, but it’s generally recommended to use silicone where two surfaces meet. If the shower has been waterproofed correctly, you shouldn’t face any immediate problems if you decide to leave it as is. However, over time, it will likely develop cracks.
Consider using silicone that matches the color.
You have the option to purchase sanded ceramic tile caulk that matches your color at Home Depot. That’s the best choice.
Using clear silicone should help stop the crack from spreading further, especially since it’s a small one.
You might want to consider redoing the grout, but for now, sealing it with clear silicone should do the trick.
Sure, I’d just go ahead and apply some clear silicone to it now before the crack gets any bigger.
All changes in planes require caulking. You can find a color that matches the grout.
Removing the tape after scraping the grout caulk can be a hassle. rout caulk is definitely not the easiest product to work with!