Should I opt for plastic biscuits instead of wooden ones to prevent rot and breaking on my fence boards in future projects?

Asked by Dylan Miller
2 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

So, I was working on this fence project and decided to use wooden biscuits to attach the boards. Everything was looking great until those wooden biscuits started rotting and breaking. Now I’m wondering if I should switch to plastic ones for the next project. 😂

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Vicky Banks

That doesn’t seem like a biscuit application unless you’re using it to glue the boards together. Consider using a backer board to keep them aligned if needed.

Brent Turner

I usually don’t do this, I don’t usually praise people for any reason to be honest, good work deserves recognition, and I must admit I’m quite envious of your hard work and talent. I’m really proud of you and what you’ve accomplished in my life. We definitely need more individuals like you 💯✅👇👇
Mr Worre

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