Should I opt for a 550mm wooden loft ladder hatch or keep searching for a 540mm one to avoid potential damage from expansion?

Asked by Bruce Scott
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 3, 2024

I’m in the process of finding a new wooden loft ladder/hatch. Right now, I’ve got a simple painted ply one that can be taken off easily.

My joists are precisely 550mm wide. I plan on cutting the ceiling a bit more for extra length and adding some 3×2 timber supports.

After looking around online, I’ve noticed that most loft ladders are 550mm wide, with few options being narrower at 540mm.

If anyone out there has experience fitting these, what do you think? Should I go with the 550mm? It’ll be a pretty snug fit and might need some force to get it in place. Or should I keep looking for a 540mm and adjust it slightly?

I’m worried that if I force the 550mm to fit, it might expand and cause some damage.

Any advice is welcome. Thanks!

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Margot Franck

The tighter the fit, the better. Usually, expansion goes both ways as the path of least resistance. To ensure a secure attachment, consider placing wood between the joists on all four sides before nailing. If it’s difficult to fully insert, a little WD-40 can ease the process without causing any damage.

Margot Franck

Yes, you’ll want to screw it directly into the joists. It sounds like you have everything under control. Enjoy!

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