Should I double up or split apart the wires when replacing the second light in my mum’s kitchen with two main cables?

Asked by Rose Sirko
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 30, 2024

I’m attempting to replace the light in my mom’s kitchen, and this is what the second light looked like when I removed it. Should I connect the wires together or separate them? The first light only had one main cable, but this one has two. It’s really confusing me, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Virginia Ureña

Didn’t someone post this yesterday?

Annette Mcdonalid


Lucas Hudson

Are there 2 or more lights connected to the same switch?

Austin Crawford
Terrance Andrews

How was it connected before you dismantled it?
Try using a multimeter to see which pair is active when the switch is toggled.

Ron Douglas

‘t try to fix it yourself, hire an electrician to avoid any accidents.

Nelly Valencia

How many times do we have to see this posted?

Virginia Ureña

Connect both brown wires to the live wire, both blue wires to the neutral wire, and both green and yellow wires to the earth wire.

Unless a blue wire was being used as a switch live.

Jeremy Miller

I only see wires without any light. This post is not very helpful.

Ron Douglas

Getting free electricity, the meter can’t detect the load on the cpc 😉

Octavio Tejeda

😂😂😂 I guess that’s a short circuit

Agustín Villagómez

Someone else posted this yesterday. It’s just to get your attention.

Anthony Côté

Hey man, check out this post too: https://www..com/photo?id=1805277323211069&set=gm.506330465237524&idorvanity=237138492156724

Olivier Andersen

Here we go again.

Olivier Andersen

Are you joking or being serious?

Jeff Fowler

Pagliaro nice job spotting the hacker scammers

Olivier Andersen

Simply twist the wires together and use a large wire nut, and you’ll be all set.

Ross Washington

Pagliaro doesn’t need a light bulb

Olivier Andersen


Pat Hicks

Put the brown in your mouth. Take a deep breath and flip the switch. And if it doesn’t work, reach out to someone who knows what they’re doing.

Isabella Brown

No content

Austin Cooper

When you connect the brown and green+yellow wires, you’ll have a continuous flow of electricity 👌👌

Arthur Roberts

We definitely wouldn’t do that

Xavier Ordóñez

Join the two brown wires together, the two blue wires together, and the green and yellow earth wires together. Then connect the new lamp, and it should work.

Clyde Parker

Which box are you referring to? Differentiate between the neutral and hot wires.

Austin Crawford
Hilda Chavarría

Why are there so many fake profiles reposting here?
Is anyone monitoring this page?

Randall Harris

Match blue with blue and brown with brown.

Carlos Ford

Looks like another spam post making the rounds.

Jeff Fowler

Just call a certified electrician and have them fix your mistakes for a fee.

Brad Mills

I thought this page was supposed to be for electricians.

Ryan Perez

Hey Joe, it might be a good idea to take a picture of the spices before taking them apart, instead of guessing.

Lewis Thomas

There are too many troublemakers in this group

Gabriel Elliott

Keep the loop going

Logan Gagnon

It’s probably best to set the tools aside, step back, and get in touch with an electrician.

Same Kelly

I only see wires, no light. Silly post.

Clyde Burke

Call a professional electrician.

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