Question: Have you ever encountered something unexpected while working as an electrician?

Asked by Aurora Núñez
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 24, 2024

I work as an electrician, but I witnessed something interesting while on the job.

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Karen Jensen

Uess what, I got one for y’all too!

Lilian Chevalier

Seems like they used up everything they had in the truck.

Sarah Armstrong

Those can be tricky because fire Sprinkler lines use rubber while Elevators require Viton rubber seals and larger flanges. We had a different contractor install one in a parking garage and it caused hydraulic oil flooding in the pits due to a seal failure!

Walther Hornig

So much money wasted

Nagesh Shroff

I purchased a pallet of 4″ lug style (flange mount) butterfly valves for waste oil. Unfortunately, the valves arrived unmarked and we later discovered they had EDPM seals instead of Viton. This mistake ended up being very costly for the supplier.

Gerardo Ramos

Laughing out loud

Zara Kumar

Seems like someone is a big fan of 3D puzzles

Kristin Braathen

Nah, you didn’t. Unless you were on your phone during work.

ایلیا سهيلي راد

Pretty disappointing. Is this where the industry is heading?

No hub cast iron has been in use for quite some time. It’s actually specified for many larger projects.

Sofus Wessel

Just to clarify, are you referring to the plumbing?

Kübra Ozansoy

I’m never surprised anymore!

Ümit Tokatlıoğlu

There must be plenty of bathrooms upstairs

Felicia Vasquez

Predicting the first potential leak in the joints

Isaac Harris

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Florence Shaw

Oh man, someone really into clamps, but this isn’t the right store haha

فاطمه قاسمی

Eorges Martel those definitely do not look like hub bands. That’s how they designed this sanitary sewer piping to be installed. It’s called no hub because the old cast iron had hubbed fittings that needed oakum and lead.

Florence Shaw

Cool, appreciate the update

Florence Shaw

I started sewer rooting at 14, I recall dealing with black iron and cast.

Lucas Tremblay

It’s funny how insulation can conceal all those mistakes. Conduit is portrayed like a piece of art 😆 🤣 😂

فاطمه قاسمی

Ferreira typically, no hub sanitary sewer lines don’t receive insulation

سینا احمدی

Ferreira someone decided to keep their leftovers and ended up saving a ton of cash

فاطمه قاسمی

I’m not seeing any scrap material. I only notice the no hub bands where they’re needed for a fitting.

فاطمه قاسمی

Seems to be a no-hub sanitary sewer installation with neat planning

دینا كامياران

Admiring that plumbing line 😍

Andreja Abramović

Yep, that’s definitely below a floor with two restrooms, one for males and one for females

Annie Rovik

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Andrea Žikić

I’m feeling nauseous

Diana Kelley

I can’t quite make out if that’s Iron or ABS on my phone.

فاطمه قاسمی

No hub cast iron, huh?

Diana Kelley

I was just about to mention… Wow.

Lea Nielsen

This is ideal for the hanger and fitting business.

Joshua Newman

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Alfredo Montgomery

Looks like someone dropped the ball on planning

Appears to be well thought out in my opinion

Sofus Wessel

Many people love to criticize things they know nothing about. Not everyone loves it, but many hate it. These fittings are made of cast iron and come packaged, not bent. Unlike electrical conduit, every angle must consider the force of gravity during installation. This is one of the most impressive plumbing setups I’ve ever witnessed. If this was done by a union, my admiration for their skills has increased significantly. .

Elliot Wells

A paradise for hamsters

Vlastimir Katić

Are you building a death star or something lol

Alex Ortega

Feeling down

Sofia Sanchez

Utilized all the bits and pieces gathered from previous projects.

Borivoje Katanić

Must be nice for the plumber, getting paid by the hour…

پرهام کوتی

I challenge you to try running wires through it before the plumbers return! 😂

Eren Çetin

Most likely there will be apartments or condos above, with commercial businesses below. It will be a challenge to conceal that 😆😆😆😆

Deniz Çevik

Just think about how many cables could be squeezed in there.

Aida Carvajal

Plumbers were drinking way too many red bulls

Lesa Fowler

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Pavati Nayak

What in the world is that?

Alberto Vargas

Discuss Snap On Tools, Milwaukee, and DeWalt Tools Here

Neha Rajesh

That’s a bit of overkill

Harshitha Bansal

Building with Legos is something anyone can do

Liam Margaret

Wishing you the best of luck with running your conduits!

Vincent Park

Seems like there are nearly as many pipes as in the electrical room of a project I worked on. The main difference is that in my case, they were used for drainage and pressure, the ceiling was only 7 feet high, and some pipes ran 4 feet below the floor.

Julian Turner

Raynald Junior Carbonneau

Julian Turner

I bet Tino was the one behind this

James Stien

Looks like the work of a jack-of-all-trades

فاطمه قاسمی

Appears to have been completed by a skilled plumber, in my view

Bhuv Chatterjee

Not a lot of thought put into that plumbing work…

Sofia Peterson

That tree is not looking too great

Lawrence George

Artificial Intelligence

Lori Freeman

Feeling stressed…

Mallika Dsouza

Train station

Alfred Petersen

I was thinking to myself, ‘Oh great, the darn plumbers got to it before I did!’ 😡🤬🤣🤣

Lenny Colin

What’s the issue with the lack of a hub system?

Lenny Colin

I’ve seen that picture already, come up with your own stuff

Doris Holt

Looks like they’re definitely using CAD for this work. Impressive

Simon Madsen

It seems like that was intentionally done that way

Kadir Ilıcalı

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