“Need help with window installation issues?”

Asked by Hilla Takala
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 4, 2024

Got any questions about fixing window installations?

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Tilde Madsen

Everything sounds good! If you’re using metal flashing at the top, I recommend cutting the house wrap and installing it behind it. If you’re only using tape, keep the house wrap as it is.

Tilde Madsen

All of them for sure. And make sure not to skimp on quality either. You can never have too much. It’s best to go overboard at this point rather than deal with a leak later on.

Tilde Madsen

Oh yeah! I deal with issues like this quite frequently. It almost always boils down to shoddy workmanship or steps being skipped by the original installer

Johnni Knight

Seal the edges of the opening with silicone, then put in the window and secure it with tape on all nail flanges. Start from the bottom, then do the sides, and finish across the top.

Johnni Knight

I once saw a person using a similar product to building tape called tuck tape. It’s commonly used for sealing nail flanges on windows and doors, as well as joining building wrap. Pretty interesting, huh?

Johnni Knight

Yeah, he did a terrible job, that’s unfortunate. I hope you are able to get everything sorted out. Good luck! I have never experienced any leaks in the windows or doors I have been installing for the last 35 years.

Seamus Reyes

Give him a call back

Jane Hicks

There seems to be something missing in this story. Best of luck, it seems like you are on the right track.

Slavko Heidt

Do you really think the inspector won’t ask you to remove the windows and flash them correctly?

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