Looking for an AI app to modernize a brick ranch home – any suggestions?

Asked by Jarand Karimi
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 21, 2024

Hey, looking for suggestions on how to give this brick ranch home a modern update. Anyone know of an AI app that can help with this makeover?

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Suraksha Kumar

To enhance the shape of the house, consider a black door, a wider porch, and rectangular planting beds with boxwoods and a Japanese maple.

Suraksha Kumar

‘t forget about oversized modern vertical house numbers!

Valda Costa

I totally agree with Moni! I would add shutters to the windows too.

Marèl Wismans

Paint the brick in a shade of gray

Benjamin Madsen


Carina Oliveira

Consider pressure washing before starting any painting. Have you considered painting one side a different color from the other? How about covering the brick around the porch with wood and painting it a contrasting color? Mixing it up can look really nice.

Benjamin Madsen

Upgrade to a larger porch light. It will make a bolder statement.

Benjamin Madsen

I’d suggest adding some depth and experimenting with the roof design, maybe even including a front porch. Have you thought about trying a erman smear technique?

Zachary Chu

Keep the edge. Create a front porch that extends below the large window. Paint it in white and dark stain, add planters under the two smaller windows, and have a garden below. You can build on that idea.

Adriana Shashkevich

Maintain the edge. Create a front porch that extends beneath the large window. Keep it white with a dark stain, add planters under the two smaller windows, and have a garden below. You can build on from there.

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