Looking for advice on prepping outdoor furniture for staining – any advanced sanding tools I should know about? Thanks in advance!

Asked by Ellenoor Verhoef
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 2, 2024

Do you have any advice on how to prepare this outdoor furniture for a fresh coat of stain? (Sorry for the blurry picture). Are there any special tools for sanding that I might be overlooking? Thanks in advance!

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Lilja Polon

Use a power washer instead.

Olivier Morin

Hey, just a heads up – be cautious with that. I used a power washer on a swing and now the wood looks fuzzy. It’s like a city of splinters waiting to happen.

Rafael Wheeler

When you pressure wash it, you can remove a lot of loose stain or paint.

Terry May

I know it might be tempting to grab a power washer, but it’s best to avoid it. If you’re not careful, you could end up causing more harm than good by damaging the wood fibers. This can create areas that promote rot and weathering. It’s safer to stick with sanding. You can use an orbital hand sander for larger flat surfaces, but for the rest, sanding sponges or wrapping sandpaper around tools like wood shims will do the trick. A multi-tool with shaped sanding heads is also effective. Once all surfaces are clean, make any necessary repairs before applying a stain. It may be tedious, but the results will be worth it. Avoid the power washer and take your time with the process. Good luck!

Julia Duran

If the furniture is teak, you can simply use bleach and a pressure washer… same goes for wood. If there are any imperfections, sanding might be needed.

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