Is there at least one issue with the 200A Service with disconnect located outside next to the meter?
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 31, 2024
Installing a bushing with the secondary connector facing backwards can be a bit tricky.
D – Although the antioxidant compound may not be required by code, it’s an industry standard that any skilled electrician would use
– a bushing is not required for this cable assembly.
Seems like the lockring might be missing, but maybe not.
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Your post has a spelling error, it should be ‘at least’ instead of ‘at lease’. Also, remember to keep neutrals and grounds separate in the sub panel. There are 2 sets. I also notice the other issues highlighted by others, especially the SER wire in conduit without a SER clamp and the 3 loose 2/0 aluminum wires in the SER clamp. There are numerous issues here that would definitely not pass electrical inspection in Florida.
Didn’t like it either. Being unattractive is one thing, but the other aspects are definitely not acceptable.
Nice work, . It passed the electrical inspection in 2016.
Oh, I totally missed that little detail. I think some of those things were not okay even back then. There’s definitely a lot of issues there in my opinion.
Hey , can you tell me where the sticker is located?
Speaking of which, it should be ‘need TO BE separated’. 😉
Thanks Ed for pointing that out! I have good eyes but still slip up sometimes!
Hey , we all feel that way. Nothing wrong with that!
B – Make sure not to connect the neutral and ground at the sun-panel
Didn’t notice the bonding screw…
After the service is disconnected, bonding cannot occur in the . The subpanel is also incorrectly configured with the EC and neutral connected to the same bus.
Maybe it’s because the lugs for the ground wire and neutral are physically touching.
Kyle randys – Oh no, didn’t realize it landed next to the neutral 🤣🤣🤣
– Yes, the panel box model is actually a Main Breaker panel. It was set up as a Sub Panel but not completed correctly.
Are you going to splice in the panel?
Make sure to bond at the initial disconnect point, not at the sub panel.
NEC 250.30(A)(1)(b)
Doesn’t always come first. You can’t bond it after disconnecting the service.
That is not the case in the Authority Having Jurisdiction where I work. It would not pass inspection if bonded after the service disconnect.
Have the inspector refer to the code book. There is no mention of a ‘first means of disconnect’. It is not allowed to bond after the ‘service disconnect’.
I have seen many inspections failed because the subpanel was bonded. Different Authorities Having Jurisdiction have their own regulations that may go beyond the NEC 🤙🏻
A subpanel cannot be bonded because it comes after the service disconnect. The service disconnect can be located after an emergency disconnect, which should be the primary means of disconnecting.
That panel is not looking good at all haha
A – Hey, it looks like you’ve got the connector flipped around on the main panel
It was later noted that tin Tune’s piece is from 2016 and related to item . And yes, item E is a must!
Tin Tune board was put up in the summer of 2016
Tin Tune also has no water meter on the property.
F – Did you remember to torque everything down?
Hey, , to address your question about the breakers “popping”: No, that’s actually caused by something completely different than the neutral/ground bonding problem.
There’s no anti-caulk gel or nolux
Check for spelling and grammar errors
Use ‘least’ instead of ‘lease’
E – The quality of workmanship seems subpar
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C – Oh, there’s no bushing for the feeder cable at the sub-panel
Ensure ultralight and grounds are separated in the sub panel
No barriers present on line side terminals 230.62(C)
Is the ground welded to the box? Haha
If you take a good look, you’ll notice a tiny hole and something that resembles The reen Crusties.
Are you starting with the spelling of “least” or what? Haha
You know, it would have been better to use a PVC male adapter at the main disconnect instead of a backwards x connector. Also, don’t forget to put a plastic bushing on the 2″ x connector at the sub panel.
I noticed the ground bar, it looks great, tidy, well done, keep it up!
Just go back to sleep, man.
There is nothing intelligent about this!!!
Second picture, NM connector installed incorrectly with missing bushing, bonding screw also missing. First image, ground and neutral are incorrectly bonded in the distribution panel with a missing bushing on the feeder wires and a double tab in the neutrals
Both panels are in great shape! Keep up the good work!
Make sure to check your grammar
If that panel is not back to back with the meter/main, then separate the grounds and neutrals inside
That panel is a mess. Cables coming in through the same opening as the service entrance are not allowed in Canada. The wiring is a disaster…
Seeing things like this makes me appreciate my own work even more.
I would feel really sloppy if this was the job I had completed.