Is there another solution to addressing these small gouges aside from refinishing the floors?

Asked by Vernon Young
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

Do you think there’s any other way to fix these minor scratches on the floors besides refinishing them?

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Liam Ortiz

Are the spots everywhere or just two specific ones? If it’s just those spots, use a razor knife to clean the gouge carefully, like removing a hangnail. Consider a small chisel if necessary, but be cautious not to remove too much. Sand as required. Use high-quality wood filler, match the color, stain, and protect accordingly.

Liam Ortiz

No need to completely refinish everything

Daniela Olmos

Clear out debris and fill with wood filler that matches the color.

Carol Bennett

Just finished refinishing my hardwood floors. Filled spots with wood filler and made sure the stain covered it.

Miguel Jenkins

Explore this in just 20 seconds! Wondering if you can refinish the floor? Not all floors can be refinished without thinning the top of the groove and risking damage. Find all the details here.

Alta Gracia Carbajal

What’s going on?

Miguel Jenkins

Eorge Westrup

Which part is confusing you?
That’s a lot of information to absorb.
Could you please provide more specifics?


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