Is there a way to resurface concrete pillars to make them smoother before painting them for a fresh look?
5 months ago
Last Updated: September 24, 2024
You can stucco them again. It would look great with a sanded finish. Clean by using a power washer. Apply a coat of bonding agent and stucco on.
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So, , do you sand it smooth after applying this?
Carissa Johnsen – Hey there! Luty is actually a bonding agent used for concrete or stucco. It’s essential for adhering new material to old surfaces.
For all the exterior concrete, make sure to seal it with a crystallizing concrete sealer. Start by wire brushing everything. Use a ‘Thinset’ type concrete to make it smooth. Wet the trowel in the later stages of smoothing for a polished finish. Seal it. Prime it. Paint it.
Hey , are you talking about a motorized wire brush? Sorry, I’m a total beginner when it comes to DIY… I’ve never used a wire brush before!
You can do it by hand.
Ive it a pressure wash and paint it with Loxon self-cleaning paint.
Hey , isn’t Loxon more of a sealant paint specifically for concrete? Will it not affect the texture at all?
Adding more coats can help even it out. You can also use a 5 in 1 tool to scrape it a bit and smooth it out.
Go ahead and paint after that.
Hey, when you contact Sherwin Williams for Loxon, make sure to mention it’s for the B&E Painting Services job under your last name.
Lol should we refresh or resurface?
I feel the same way about all of the above lol. I never really liked this feature on the house, but since we can’t remove it, let’s just try to improve its appearance a bit.