Is there a hidden agenda behind the pause in deck construction, perhaps related to state regulations or government scrutiny?

Asked by Theresia Moreau
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 22, 2024

Had to pause my deck project to focus on something more pressing. (Hint: it’s related to where I live)

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Kasper Thomsen

You’ve gotta be in either Pennsylvania or Massachusetts. Running traps is a no-go in all other places. That’s quite an odd rule… but nice job regardless.

Russell Phillips

I was just thinking, , I will never get the purpose of house traps. Good thing we don’t have to deal with them in Ohio.

Valentin Mesa

Michael, it’s still allowed in NY, even though it was the first state to prohibit it. California usually leads the way in these bans 🤦‍♂️

Kasper Thomsen

Because of the code

Mathieu Muller

Because it’s not really needed and doesn’t serve a purpose.

Eirik Hansen

I’m curious, why is there a trap outside in the main area? This is new to me.

Allie Barnett

Hey Ryan! I was actually thinking about the same thing. I’m really curious about the engineering reason that code would need it. Also, I’m wondering how they prevent it from freezing up and potentially blowing to pieces. And do you know how often it gets caked in solids and requires clean outs? Does your municipality hold you responsible when it gets clogged or freezes?

Sadie Kumar

Seems like a mole’s version of a fun house

Brandão Moraes

I’m really envious! I’m currently dealing with something kind of like that, just seems to be way more intense. What depth is required for your line?

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