Is the sun-damaged bottom of my front door fixable, or should I replace the entire door?

Asked by Patrick Hughes
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 17, 2024

I purchased my house a couple of years ago and noticed some damage at the bottom of my front door. I’m thinking it might be from the sun. The black part is peeling and the area around it is discolored. Do you think it can be fixed, or should I just replace the door?

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Çetin Dağlaroğlu

Try sanding and repainting, but if the sun hits it that way, it will happen again 🤷🏻‍♂️

Martha Obrien

If it’s the door you’re concerned about, you may be able to purchase just the door and retain the frame

Julia Duran

You could give a magic eraser or graffiti remover a try… that doesn’t appear to be caused by sun damage… sun damage typically results in color fading. If it doesn’t come off easily… consider sanding it down and repainting it with a color like black. If you receive extended sun exposure, consider using a porch and deck enamel.

Isabelle Davies

Is that door made of Fiberglass?

Aditya Hiremath

Swap out that wood veneer on the door for a metal-clad one.

Miguel González

I suggest giving it a good sanding and then painting it. I think it would look really cool if you painted it black and then used tape to paint the leaded glass lines black as well. 🤩

Soila Lima

Maybe the reason this happened was because a full view storm door was letting in too much sunlight and causing the door to bake?

Milja Huhtala

It seems like the damage is from kicking the door open. Dirt from the bottom of your shoes can transfer to the door, causing discoloration on the varnish. If it’s peeling, sand it down and apply a new sealant. To prevent future damage, consider installing a kick plate if you tend to kick the door often.

Juan Carlos Laboy

What products have you used to clean it so far? For fiberglass doors, consider sanding it down, applying a high-quality bonding primer, filling any gaps, priming again, and then painting two coats with a top-notch paint.

Noah Slawa

Have you also installed a storm door? Sometimes the air trapped between two doors can build up heat and damage the finish. Keep in mind that having a storm door may void the warranty on the other door.

Heather Crawford

Try sanding and painting it with white ceramic BBQ grill paint.

Janet Jennings

So that’s how they get in.

Rita Hojem

Is that mold?

Dila Ramos

Do you like the style and design? I ask because sometimes I try to save money by salvaging items, but I could probably find something I like better for a lower price. If you really love it, then you’ll be motivated to invest time, effort, and money into it. The first thing I wonder is whether the peeling is from paint or some sort of veneer. If it’s damaged wood, you can repair it with wood epoxy that is sandable and drillable.

Ron Butler

That’s strange. It’s like someone began painting it black and then changed their mind.

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