Is rewiring a failing outlet and light to a different circuit a proper solution for mysterious electrical problems when the problem can’t be located?

Asked by Aaron Rhodes
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 15, 2024

Hey there! So, I had a light and wall outlet that suddenly stopped working. Usually when that happens, it’s just a matter of replacing a faulty outlet or lightswitch to get things back up and running. But this time, I couldn’t seem to pinpoint the issue. I even had a handyman electrician come take a look, but they were stumped too. After inspecting the failing outlet and tracing the lines up through the attic, they still couldn’t figure it out. In the end, the handyman just rewired everything to a different circuit and now everything is working fine. But I can’t help but wonder if this is a proper fix.

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Joseph Cox

First thing I’d do is check how many outlets and lights are connected to the new circuit. You need to identify what the original breaker was supplying and test each outlet and light to make sure they’re still receiving power. Remember, the original wire has to be connected to power from somewhere. Is the breaker still switched on? You can try toning out the wiring to locate any breaks or loose connections. Some components may still be powered, while others may need to be disconnected first. If the power was pulled from a different circuit, you have a starting point to work from.

Amy Allen

Your handyman didn’t fix the issue. The key is figuring out why that line suddenly stopped working. You didn’t mention how he fixed it. Did he simply connect it to another junction box? If it were me, I’d prioritize fixing any electrical issues to avoid potential dangers.

Ostoja Dokić

Breaker circuit

Jordão Peixoto

Make sure you hire an electrician for electrical work – don’t try to cut corners. Ignoring electrical issues can be dangerous and it’s better to have a professional take care of it.

Ludmila Babić

Having the wrong person working on your home, especially electrical, can be very dangerous. I had an electrician who works for a company offer to run wires from my attic to an outlet in my laundry room so that my new hot water heater can be placed inside of my home rather than in the attic. I recall hearing him yell and claim that he was shocked from in the attic while he was working. He denied what I heard. Less than 2 months later I heard a loud pop and the newly installed hot water heater stopped working. I checked my breaker box and the breaker was completely out of place and just loose in there. I had to hire a plumber to come out and replace heating elements and fuses in the water heater. Then I had to bring in an electrician to rewire everything. The wires were fried from the fuse all the way to the outlet the water heater was connected to. A favor job ended up costing me more to fix from the start. The “electrician” who started the job as a “favor” was actually “grandfathered in at his company with no formal training as an electrician. Please hire a professional. It can save lives, time and peace of mind in the long run. Here’s a picture of what just the inside of the outlet box in the wall looked like when removed.

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