Is it safe to expand my paver patio over my underground septic tank, considering the added weight and potential complications?
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024
I’m currently working on redoing my paver patio and thinking about making it a bit bigger. The only issue is that my septic tank is right where I want to expand. Besides adding a riser cap for pump access, do you think it would be ok to put a patio over it? I’m worried about the extra weight of the pavers, gravel, and sand, as well as tamping everything down.
According to my septic professional, only grass should cover the septic bed. Winter activities can drive frost into your pipes. Additionally, placing pavers on top of the tank is not recommended as it hinders access.
Avoid covering the septic tank or system. 1. Accessibility to the tank for maintenance is crucial. 2. The drain field mainly consists of sand and drainage gravel, with a thin layer of soil on top for grass growth. Most of the water evaporates into the air. Placing pavers over the field will disrupt this process and could damage the drain lines. It’s best to avoid this scenario. If you live in a snowy area like mentioned, you may push the frost deeper into the ground, potentially freezing your system. In short, choose a different location for your deck.