Is it possible to mistake something for mint if you squint?

Asked by Thomas Philippe
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 21, 2024

You know, if you squint just right, it totally looks like mint!

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Roland Wells


Roland Wells

You know, sometimes I like to comment just to stir things up and then I can’t help but laugh about it. So, I’m going to say that doesn’t seem like the right cover for that box – it should be an industrial double switch cover. Also, that doesn’t look like a proper offset for that half inch EMT 😳😆😆

Catherine Rousseau

Oh man, that setup doesn’t look good, even from far away. Also, I see they used a wood coverplate which isn’t ideal. Plus, they’ve removed the fire extinguisher, so if something goes wrong, they won’t be able to put it out. Personally, I prefer wiremold boxes with conduit KOs for surface work because they look much nicer and can accommodate standard single or double gang plastic or stainless cover plates.

Arthur Smith

Hey, , I’m curious how they managed to attach the switches and cover to that 4 square box. Chewing gum 🤔 maybe

Catherine Rousseau

Hey, , if you take a closer look, you’ll notice a 2-gang 3/8″ mud ring on the box.

Arthur Smith

Hey, , I totally missed the mud ring. Too distracted by the unique plate 🤣

Daniel Walker

Yeah, but is it really safe? I believe it is.

Norisete Silveira

The box offset is a great choice, isn’t it?

Who wants to bet the fire extinguisher is being used to prop the door open…

Minea Manner

I don’t know how to do an offset, and the plate needs to be moved.

Mildred Castillo

Hey, , that offset seems like he jammed the pipe somewhere and pushed it.

Debbie Rhodes

Once you’ve installed one of those just like this, you can’t help but walk away saying “…and that’s how I earn the big bucks.”

Abigail Brewer

I’m pretty certain I’ve been to that club before, the bathroom is something else…

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