Is it feasible to add a doorway between two rooms with different floor levels and ceiling heights, potentially requiring a step down and ceiling adjustment?

Asked by Fatma Hakyemez
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 24, 2024

I’m completely lost when it comes to this stuff, but I wanted to check in and see how challenging or worthwhile it would be to add a doorway between our house and an add-on. The entrance to the add-on for some reason isn’t connected to the main house. We have a clear wall between the rooms that’s big enough for a door, but there are a few issues. The main house is a few feet higher than the add-on, and the ceilings are lower in the add-on. My thought was to add a step down into the room and raise the ceiling in that area to make enough space for a door without hitting your head. Does that plan make sense? And is it even feasible? Thanks for any help!

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Ron Butler

Do you think you could share some pictures with us?

Jackson Parker

That seems like something you can definitely do. You might have to reinforce the structure a bit.

Ashley Duncan

As you open the door to the main structure, you’ll notice that it can be just as tall as the ceiling in the other room. To access the add-on, you’ll need to go down a few steps after identifying the difference in floor levels… Please keep in mind that the steps should not exceed 8″ in height, usually due to the dimensions of the lumber used (7.5″ to 7.75″).

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