Is aluminum wiring from the 1960s common in homes in Huntsville, AL?

Asked by Pearl Murphy
5 months ago
Last Updated: November 10, 2024

I removed this from a house in Huntsville, Alabama. It’s aluminum wiring from the 1960s.

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Chloe Wilson

There are still six more devices out of the eleventy-million that are still out there.

Lucía Luna

So, what are you trying to say?

Lucía Luna

Hey , this is really getting old. The problem is actually on your end for posting something as mundane as this.

Sophia Fox

Seems like the house managed to avoid catching fire.

Carole Andrews

That al romex must be from the mid 70s.

Alexis Pelletier

Thankfully, it didn’t go up in flames 🔥!!

Oswaldo Santillán

Please follow the NEC code to ensure your safety.

Zoe Harcourt

*claps slowly*

Eric Almonte

It’s known as nobbing tubing. That’s where the old wives go fishing.

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