Is a 25mm gap between insulation boards and floorboards safe for a suspended timber floor in a garage?

Asked by Harrison Singh
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 27, 2024

Hey, I’m working on setting up a suspended timber floor in my garage. I plan to place insulation boards underneath the floor. I was just curious if it’s alright to leave a 25mm gap between the insulation boards and the underside of the floorboards. Just want to make sure everything is good to go!

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Zoe Flores

Wait, are you converting your garage? If that’s the best method for constructing the floor, I don’t see any issues with the 25mm gap. Just make sure to have a moisture barrier over the concrete floor and proper ventilation. Then add as much insulation as you can…I believe you’ll be fine. But it’s always a good idea to double-check with your local building department.

Emmi Nevala

Absolutely, it should work out just fine. And if the insulation has a shiny side, go ahead and install it with that side facing out – the space in between will help boost the reflective shield.

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