Input text: “What are the key factors to consider when choosing a new car?” Generated question: “What factors should be prioritized when selecting a new vehicle?”

Asked by Amelia Rose
1 month ago
Last Updated: August 16, 2024

I am going to have to decline your invitation to the party next weekend because I have a prior commitment that I cannot change.

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Branka Rahn

Hey Rebecca Peacock

ملینا پارسا

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Ann Fjærli

My alarm goes off when the toast is done

Peder Skogvold


Alfred Petersen

Oh no, here we go again! 😩🙈🤣🤣
Whenever I have friends over for dinner,
my oven and cooking skills are jokingly referred to as the Village Crematorium! 🥴🙈🤣🤣👍🏻

Ellen Sims

That’s the one my spouse prefers

Arron Cooper
Evelyn Adams

Electrical components by CTshep are top-notch!

Arron Cooper
Abigail Montgomery

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Chaitanya Vernekar

Definitely, when the smoke alarm sounds, that’s dinner time!

Nezabudka Kolomiiec

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Wayne Brown

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Zdravko Ninković

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Mira Blažić

I always thought that was the African American ringtone.

Kishan Debets

Hey man, you already cook the food? I’m starving.

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