How were you able to achieve a complete kitchen remodel for under six grand, including high-end Calcatta Quartz countertops and upgraded appliances, all done DIY?
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 1, 2024
So, we decided to tackle a little kitchen makeover on our own. We found a great deal on Calcatta Quartz countertops at a local store – believe it or not, they were even cheaper than granite! Not only did the company do the installation for us, but we also scored a sweet deal on a backsplash from Marketplace. My husband did the installation himself (he even added under cabinet lighting) and we splurged on some new appliances. Surprisingly, we managed to pull off this whole transformation for just under six grand.
Such a huge improvement. Now you can actually see what you’re doing in the kitchen. I can’t stand dark, dungeon-like kitchens. Well done on the upgrade.
Wow, what a transformation! It’s absolutely stunning. Awesome work!
OMG! When I first saw this, I seriously thought someone had shared photos of my almost completed kitchen! I absolutely love the choices you’ve made. Here’s a picture of my kitchen for reference!
Haha, Melissa Bender is so clever! I love it as well!