“How successful was the panel wiring?”

Asked by نیایش حسینی
5 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

Hey, how did the panel wiring turn out?

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Jimi Koivisto

I’ve never seen anything better. Although, you might want to secure the wires

Catherine Rousseau

Labels are kind of amusing. ABC, 10,11,12, then 3, 12 again, 7, 8, 9? O_o

Francisco Garrido

Maybe a couple of toe wraps?

Francisco Garrido

A holes with wings are Wasps, and don’t forget the tie wraps.

Daniel Walker

Looks like a temporary setup to check if everything is functioning properly.

Daniel Walker


Lea Nielsen

After it works as expected, then run the wires the way they should be, ene Proko.

Baljiwan Shenoy

No content

Freya Thompson

Haha 😂 I should switch careers

آیلین جعفری

You might want to consider a different career path.

Ousama Thiele

If it does the job, that’s probably the only positive thing about it

Akilina Mogila

I’m feeling a certain way

Ciarán Rottier

Secure it with cable ties to neaten things up

Begüm Yeşilkaya


Chaitanya Vernekar


Ella Chan

Putting the cover on properly can be a bit challenging.

آرمین سالاری

Ive it another shot

Ken Aarden

No content

Jayaraj Adiga

Looks good from where I’m standing

Batur Çetiner

Make sure your electrical work is being done correctly and use cable ties to secure the cover to prevent accidents.

Delphine Harris

I believe you’re playing a joke on me!

Magnus Larsen

How’s your painting skills coming along?

Meri Dul

Bowl of spaghetti

Meri Dul

Loose wires, ungrounded plate

Carrie May

Do you know where the wire markers are? Using wire duct could be helpful.

Emma Hall

Water for the dog

Concepción Muñoz

Cool man

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