How should I properly seal and flash GFC Liberty peal and strip roofing from Home Depot?

Asked by Shylaja Kumari
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 3, 2024

What’s the best way to seal and flash these? The roofing is GFC Liberty peel and stick from Home Depot.

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Avi Banerjee

When it comes to pitch questions, the bigger issue seems to be the overlap on the downslope side of the roofing. They serve as the flashing instead of requiring additional flashing.

Elsbeth Dettmer

To get roofing under them at the bottom, you can either remove or lift them up – that’s the best option. The alternative is to apply tar or silicone to gum them up, but that’s not as reliable.

Judy Gonzales

Absolutely! I realized my mistake on some of those vents – I should have created a raised surface around the sides of the vent, especially on the downwards roof side. This way, any water heading towards the vent will be deflected. I was actually thinking about this while fighting off a big wasp nest in one of the vents. Today, I finally did it – added a few pieces of roofing cap and then the cap itself. It looks clean and will definitely deflect water. The pitch of the roof is low to medium, and then at the top, it’s quite low in a small section. It’s a challenging “gull wing” roof, a 1979 triple wide mobile “manufactured” home at 1,800 sf. The roof is huge and has a horrible design, but it does make it easy to walk around for roof care and other maintenance. Dealt with the wasps today, they had built a big nest under the vents. Can’t believe I didn’t get stung with so many of them swarming around.

Elsbeth Dettmer

I’ve been in the roofing business for years and I always come across bees, bats, and sometimes even squirrels

Stanko Cvetković

The roofing material seems to have been installed correctly, with proper trimming just like a skilled roofer would do. No additional work is needed on top of the vents. It seems that hot tar was used to seal the roof at one point.

Judy Gonzales

Yep, the initial roof was hot mopped and they were very messy.

Stanko Cvetković

Did you begin laying the roll from the lowest point of the roof? The seam seems to be visible on the upper side.

Judy Gonzales

Starting from the bottom, , of course.

Elsbeth Dettmer

Is that a sheet for caps?

Judy Gonzales


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