How long did it take you to complete the project, and what specific components did you construct yourself?

Asked by Martin Hoffman
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 24, 2024

I just finished up this project that I’ve been working on for a few months. I was able to do it on weekends and after work. I made everything from the cabinets to the table tops to the mantle.

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AyÅŸen Tiekstra

That looks great! What did you do about the carpet?

Sara Hansen


Salma Rosas

Wow, your fireplace looks amazing! Which one did you go with?

Mirjana Filipović

I could really use your DIY expertise!

Wan Drees

The view is stunning!

Kate Matthews

How did you manage to hang the sound bar below the TV? We’re about to do the same and my husband also wants it hung like that!

Edouard Guillot

There’s a bracket available that attaches to the TV mount. You can then attach the sound bar to the bracket, and they’re affordable.

Brent Coleman

I really like that concealed mantle! Is there a hidden magnetic latch on it?

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