How is the progress going on the Tiny House project your daughter has been working on since she was 9 years old, with some help but mostly on her own?

Asked by Emily Liu
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 1, 2024

Update on the Tiny House: So our 19-year-old daughter has been putting in some serious work. She’s been framing walls, installing doors, helping her dad with the septic, insulating, running water lines, and tackling plumbing all on her own. The only thing she hired out was the drywall because of the vaulted ceiling. She just finished painting and is now working on laying down the floors. This dream has been with her since she was 9, and it’s really cool to see everything coming together for her with a little help from above. Stay tuned for another post where I’ll share all the details of what she’s picked out for her home, from the kitchen to the bathroom to the lighting – her vision has remained consistent since she was a kid.

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Monika Edland


Harper Jean-Baptiste

Wow, she’s unstoppable! Hopefully, she continues to acquire valuable skills that will benefit her in the long run. You must be bursting with pride. She’s a go-getter!

Elmer Skotte

Sandra, she really is. I’m constantly amazed by her.

Oliwia Wikstrøm

Great job!

Christy Wade

Wow, that’s amazing! Is it a cozy little house or a tiny one on wheels? It’s hard to tell! Please pass on my congratulations to her!

Elmer Skotte

Got everything set up perfectly. She laid the groundwork and secured it in place. Thanks a bunch!

Alicia Ouellet

That girl is absolutely incredible! Where there is a desire, there is a solution!! ♥️♥️

Michèle Garnier

She will forever be amazing! Such impressive skills for someone her age!

Jacob Nielsen

I’m so excited for this to be us! I’m turning 20 soon and my fiancé and I are getting ready to start renovating our first home together

Elmer Skotte

Natalie, you’re amazing! Best of luck to you all!

Ricardo Garza

This is really neat! You must be so proud of her, and she must be feeling proud too ☺️

Elmer Skotte

Chelsey, I really hope she realizes how significant her achievements are. I believe, like the rest of us, she underestimates herself at times.

Nathaniel Moore

Congrats, girl!

Catherine Morales

I wish I had even half of the skills your daughter has.

Mitchell Wheeler

Mackenzie Lowe The best way to learn is through experience. The more you experience, the more you learn

José Manuél Ocasio

Please continue to share the updates!

Elmer Skotte


Eli Taylor

That is incredibly amazing and she will cherish those wonderful memories of sharing such a special experience with her father! Every small detail will be remembered forever!! ❤️❤️❤️

Mario Ramírez


Ege Akşit

She’s so talented and gifted, I’m excited to see how she progresses!

Mitchell Wheeler

That is truly amazing!

Emmi Kjørsvik

Wow, that’s really impressive! Go her!!! 💜

Likera Gorayskiy

Empowerment for women 💪💪

Vsevlad Getman

God is great! I’m thrilled for her and for developing such a strong work ethic. Go for it, girl! 🙌🏻 You’re going to accomplish incredible things!

Eloane Barbier

This is fantastic! Such wonderful parents for supporting and helping her achieve her dream!

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