How feasible is it to transform a basic hole fireplace insert into a cutout stove without breaking the bank, considering the current setup and limitations of the house?

Asked by Abelardo Ocampo
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 12, 2024

How feasible do you think it would be to transform that basic hole in the wall fireplace insert into a cutout stove without breaking the bank? Would it be better to get some knowledgeable help or hire a company to do the work? The first two pictures show what we currently have, and to be honest, we’re not happy with it and hardly ever use it.

We initially tried to get an insert, but were told it would be too small and not what we’re looking for. We really want big fires to warm the house, but I don’t like how the stoves stick out. After seeing the third picture, it seems like that could be a solution.

Our house is a 90’s build and it’s definitely not as sturdy as older homes. I was informed that the current small insert fireplace is typical for a gas fireplace with no gas line. It has a lined pipe going through the chimney, and the exterior of the chimney is plywood with veneer stone, so we would need the thick lined tubing.

I don’t want to bring in another company without some sort of assurance that it could be done. Any other suggestions on how to make this fireplace more efficient?

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Stanko Cvetković

I think the good news is that you don’t have a real chimney in the traditional sense. Your chimney and chimney flue can be easily removed to build a new surround. The main question is what needs to be built in its place to ensure safety and meet code requirements. Do we need extra wall framing for the brick surround for the wood stove? I’m not sure if the brick surround is just one layer attached to framing or if there’s more brick or cement behind it to protect from the stove’s heat. The current setup is supported by standard framing with clearance and installation to protect the wall from heat. I hope that all makes sense!

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