How do you effectively remove stains from granite surfaces?

Asked by Pozvizda Shilenko
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

Hey, does anyone have any tips for removing stains from granite?

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Thea Thomsen

Using baking soda and peroxide can be beneficial in minimizing the visibility of stains.

Violet Lewis

Bar keepers friend is truly incredible! Simply pour a small amount on the stain, wait a minute, scrub with a cloth, and watch it remove the stain effortlessly.

Gustavo Aguilar

Always remember to check the label before applying this product, as it can be harsh and cause harm to the granite.

Motrya Borovik

If you are dealing with a red stain caused by juice or something similar, try using hand sanitizer on a napkin. The stain should come off quickly.

Nasser Van der Gulik


Frederikke Madsen

To remove an oil stain, create a baking soda paste and allow it to dry. Another option is to apply a degreasing dish soap (such as blue dawn) and allow it to soak.

Gloria Flores

Try using Barkeepers first, and then remember to seal it properly.

Oskari Latt

When using Dawn power wash and magic eraser, make sure to let it sit before tackling the stain.

Florence Brar

The decreased oven temperature really did wonders for me

Vilma Rintala

Oh wow, this comet is perfect for gently sanding out without causing any scratches.

Anirudh Hiremath

Pink stuff!

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