How do we fix peeling latex paint over oil-based trim – sand, prime, and repaint with oil-based?

Asked by Isabella Madsen
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 10, 2024

So, the people who lived here before us decided to paint the trim, but it looks like they used latex paint over oil base paint. And now it’s all peeling! Any ideas on how to fix this? Should we sand it down, prime it with something, and then repaint with oil based paint? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Freddie Collins

I’m curious too. The previous owners of our house did the same thing.

Cory Hernandez

Is it latex or oil based? I’m confused.

Murat Kaplangı

Was pondering the exact same thought …

Felix Philippe

Hey , I bet it’s a typo – probably meant latex over oil.

Eemil Makela

…smooth out the surface by sanding before applying paint….

Riley Harris

If you use a heat gun, you can peel the paint off, but be extremely careful. After that, apply primer.

Michael Morris

Suggests using oil-based Zinger primer.

Ethan Nichols

Recommends STIX primer. It sticks to all surfaces, dries quickly, sands easily, and cleans up with water. You can sand off any texture left by primer and the only texture left will be from your paint.

Johnny Garcia

You know, you only have to sand or heat the specific areas that need it! After that, make sure to cover the whole surface with kilz! Either red or blue will do the job!

Stanko Cvetković

You can paint latex over oil as long as you prep properly. It seems like there was no cleaning or prep work done before the latest coats. Use Stix primer for the best adhesion to glossy paint. Be cautious when painting over the latex layer to avoid stretching or shrinking and causing it to separate from the original oil layer.

Benjamín Pedroza

To paint latex over oil, make sure it’s prepped well. You’ll have to sand and scrape the whole ceiling, then skim any depth differences with drywall compound. After sanding and skimming again, apply two or three coats of latex polymer emulsion flat ceiling paint.

Eugene Long

Remove the existing paint by sanding it off.

Emilia Berger

For a smooth finish, it’s important to sand the surface thoroughly.

Gonca Oraloğlu

You can use primer to cover the oil-based paint before applying your water-based paint. If you’re looking for a smooth finish, consider sanding the surface. However, sanding is not always required before painting.

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