How do I restore or replace the jamb to its original condition?

Asked by Lawrence Sanders
6 months ago
Last Updated: August 28, 2024

How can I make this look as good as new or what are the steps to change the door frame?

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Lucas Fortin

Apply bondo to fill in, sand it down, and then paint over it

Florence Barnaby

Bondo works like a charm

Candice Hall

Carefully carve it out and attach a larger piece of wood before sanding it smooth. Like new!

Kurt Johnson

I’ve done plenty of these repairs… cut a 12” piece of 1×2”, remove a 12” section of the jamb, insert the new wood, shim it to match the rest of the jamb, drill for the latch and deadbolt, sand, paint. Much simpler than replacing the entire jamb. Bondo is a good option for many things, but not this one

Douglas George

Try to locate a larger plate and mortise it to the right size

Ariane Gagné

Can you provide more details? Are you looking to fix the stripped out screw holes for the deadbolt plate, or do you plan to fill the entire opening to make it even and ready for painting?

Dave Holland

Working on a new door jamb? Or perhaps you want to showcase your bondo skills


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