Yes, that’s right. I apologize for not being more precise.
Danyal Louter
4 months ago
Could you provide additional details? Is it LVP or laminate? What does the mark look like? Can you try scraping it with a fingernail? Is it on the surface or deeper?
Have you considered using a cleaning product with a magic eraser?
Seems to be a burn mark from the coils of a hot plate spilling onto the floor. Are you looking for advice on how to replace those two flooring planks?
Yes, that’s right. I apologize for not being more precise.
Could you provide additional details? Is it LVP or laminate? What does the mark look like? Can you try scraping it with a fingernail? Is it on the surface or deeper?
I can’t remember which one, but it was the stove element that dropped while it was hot, it’s like burned permanently, not very deep.