How did you feel after completing the rough wiring on your house’s panel for the first time?

Asked by Lorena Patiño
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 4, 2024

I just completed the rough wiring in my house. It was my first time wiring a panel all by myself from start to finish.

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Diego Sáez

Do you know where your bond screw is located?

Signe Christensen

Are you absolutely certain about that?

Thomas Ellis

Hower if the exterior disconnect is bonded then there is no need for a bonding screw in this panel. And since the feed is a 3 wire feed, it does appear that this is technically a sub panel.

Signe Christensen

Appreciate the input, captain obvious. You were originally asking this guy about his bonding screw. Could you please clarify?

Diego Sáez


Thomas Ellis

Hower oh man I totally misread that. It seemed like you were responding to Clinton but I see you tagged David. My bad

Krystian Stensvold

Looks good overall, but I’m curious why some folks are so adamant about having service loops.

Signe Christensen

I’m not gonna bother looking super closely because it doesn’t seem necessary. Looks good to me. If someone mentions needing a bushing on those service cable entrance connectors, you can tell them where to go.😆😅🤣

Larry Barnes

No offense intended, but please trust me on this. Remove that ground loop from the ground immediately. I am against service loops in general, but I would never criticize someone’s work just for having them. However, adding extra ground into a panel and looping it for potential future use is not logical and actually increases risk. I’ve been in the trade for 18 years. I always neatly tuck away all ground wires into corners. It makes me uneasy to see people running their ground wires haphazardly. I’ve seen some individuals completely tape up bare grounds for safety reasons. This goes against everything I’ve learned and observed in the field. Please eliminate the ground loop. Everything else looks good.

Sonam Welman


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