How did you create a custom 7ft window seat with cabinets and bookcases in your garage using white oak maple and maple plywood, complete with a custom spray painted finish and cushion?
5 months ago
Last Updated: October 4, 2024
I built a 7-foot window seat in my garage using white oak, maple, and maple plywood. I painted the maple parts with spray paint and had a custom cushion made for it. It’s so spacious, you can even take a nap on it!
I adore it! ❤️
I really enjoy window seats. They look fantastic next to the cabinets. Turned out really well! It’s a great way to make the most of the space.
Wow, that is truly beautiful.
Oh my, you are so overqualified for this team 😉😂
I’m willing to try anything lol
Absolutely stunning!
Wow, that’s really something! The attention to detail is top-notch.
It turned out amazing
What kind of paint did you end up using?
I went with Envirolak 200 urethane paint. It’s a water-based option that I came across locally.
I appreciate it!
Wow, this project is massive and looks absolutely incredible!
Absolutely! My wife was not too thrilled about helping me move all this stuff around, haha
Absolutely stunning!
I love this, it’s so nice!
So, when can I expect you to come over and make mine? Haha. Absolutely stunning.
Thanks!! ‘everyone wants a Doug’ I’ve been jokingly teased by my friends.
Yes if I ever marry again I’m going to look for my next spouse at Home Depot. LOL
OMG, this is absolutely stunning!
Wow, that is really beautiful!
So, is this located in your garage?
Yes, Morris. Everything is movable. I cut and assemble all the parts, then slide everything over, put up curtains, and spray. My living room doubles as a drying area.