How did tackling the project of sanding down and sealing your 1958 oak floors make your house feel more like a home?

Asked by Kristin Fuller
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 23, 2024

As new homeowners, we had a bunch of projects to tackle, but some were definitely more urgent than others. We weren’t just thinking about the aesthetics of our place, but also about keeping it clean and safe for our health. It seemed like the previous owners never really cleaned up, and we found out from neighbors that they let their pets do their business all over the house. Yuck! So, we had to deal with that right away.

We tried everything to get rid of the smell – cleaning, running the AC, using ozone machines – you name it. But we finally found the source and got rid of it. My husband’s “favorite” project (sarcastic eye roll included) was sanding down our original oak floors from 1958 and sealing them for a fresh start. I’m so proud of him for taking on such a big job. I just give him these projects, and he goes above and beyond to make me happy.

He had never done anything like this before, but he didn’t give up or hire help. He’s my superhero 🤗 Here are our brand new 1958 oak floors – no stain, just polyurethane and lots of love! The house smells so much better now,

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Luke Sutton

Lovely shade!

Gentil da Rocha

Thanks a lot, !!

Aubrey White

Those look amazing. Enjoy redecorating your new place!!!

Gentil da Rocha

Hey , I really appreciate it ❤️

Živko Novak

Absolutely stunning!

Gentil da Rocha

I appreciate your kindness!

کیمیا علیزاده

Oh my goodness, that’s stunning!

Gentil da Rocha

Thank you so much, ! 🙂

Sue Moore


Gentil da Rocha

Thanks a lot! 🤍

Harper Jean-Baptiste

Great work on this, and that guy? He’s a catch.

Gentil da Rocha

Thank you, , he really is 🤍

Theodore Marshall

Wow, it’s absolutely stunning!

Gentil da Rocha

Hey , thank you so much!

Nora Howard

Wow, that gloss is on point! Mind sharing the product he used? We’re planning to do our floors soon.

Gentil da Rocha

I’ll need to look into that for you, !

Nora Howard

Thank you so much, !

Michèle Garnier

Great job! Could you do mine next?🥰

Tracy Scott

It looks fantastic. Were the ozone machines effective? I’ve been interested in how they work.

Gentil da Rocha

They are incredibly helpful! We have utilized them before and found them to be very effective!

حسین سالاری

Oh, we also tried this, and let me tell you, totally worth it!

Gentil da Rocha

It truly was a game-changer! The photos just can’t capture how amazing it is!

Kirstie Van Andel

Great work, it turned out fantastic!

Gentil da Rocha

Thank you from !

Gilbert Franklin


Gentil da Rocha

Thank you so much, ! 🙂

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