How can we securely reattach our broken countertop that is barely hanging on, without it breaking off in pieces?
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024
Hey there, new here! Our countertop is in rough shape, some parts are broken and barely holding on. Any tips on how to secure it back in place? Should we remove it, add new caulk or grout, and replace it? It seems like it’s going to break off in small pieces. Thanks for any help you can offer!
Could be a bit tricky. The best option would be to remove it and reattach it with glue, but there’s no guarantee it will come off easily. Trying to chip it out may damage the granite. Personally, I’d recommend reapplying some grout instead. If water seeps under it, the situation could become even more unstable.
I’ve never seen a bull nose edge attached like this before. It looks like it was glued on, came off, and then someone tried to reattach it with mortar or cement. To fix it properly, you would need to cut out the old glue or cement, grind the edges smooth, and then reglue it with epoxy. Both edges have to be flat and smooth for the epoxy to adhere correctly. Professionals typically fill any cracks with a special filler, so this isn’t usually a job for DIYers.
You might want to consider reaching out to a granite company to fix it with epoxy if you want it to look almost seamless. DIY kits are available, but they can be challenging for many people.
Fill it up with some “spicy goodness”
Most of the time it’s more than just a DIY project, unless you’re okay with it looking quite rough.