How can we patch-match the ceiling in our old house without resorting to scraped ceilings to achieve a seamless and unnoticeable look?
6 months ago
Last Updated: August 25, 2024
We took down a wall and are now working on fixing up the ceiling to match the rest. We’re almost there with the pattern, but the color is a bit off. Since it’s an old house, what do you think we should do? I really love this style and don’t want to resort to scraping the ceilings. Hopefully we can make it blend in seamlessly!
Seems like the texture was sprayed and troweled on. You have the option to rent a manual hand crank texturer at Home Depot. It’s a fairly simple task.
Blending knockdown ceilings can be tricky. It might be best to skim coat and retexture.
That textured surface is knockdown. The spray cans work well for orange peel but not for knockdown texture. I recommend getting a compressor and a hopper to spray some thinned out mud on it. After it begins to dry, use a putty knife to knock it down.