How can we best repair the wall gap in pictures one and three, and fix the peeling tape in picture two of our 1956 house remodeled in the 90s with amateur wall work?

Asked by Xavier Viana
2 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

Hey there! Thanks for adding me!

So, my hubby and I just snagged our first home – a cute little number built back in 1956 that got a facelift in the 90s. Problem is, when they were doing renovations back then, they kinda messed up the wall situation.

Quick Q’s for you:
1. (Pics one and three) Any tips on how to smooth out that ceiling so it doesn’t betray where the wall used to be? Is it a matter of patching, texturing, and painting like we did in the dining room? Or is there a smarter fix?

2. (Pic two) We’ve got this weird tape peeling at the ceiling-wall junction. Any ideas on how to tackle that?

Appreciate any advice you can offer, pals!

Related picture 1
Related picture 2
Related picture 3
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Sibel Beemsterboer

Get rid of the old peeling tape, then apply new tape and mud. Sand, paint, and you’re good to go. If the surface isn’t even, try using a wider blade of 10-12″ to spread out the mud evenly and smoothly.

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