How can I transform this door to effectively block ceiling fumes, especially after a last-minute change by the builder?
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 8, 2024
Hey, need some tips on turning this into a door that can keep those pesky ceiling fumes out. Originally supposed to have springs like an attic door, but the builder switched it up last minute. Any suggestions are welcome!
Wait, what fumes are you talking about?
Used foam insulation in the attic area
Assured that the odors will eventually go away. Just open the room up and let it air out.
Mentioned that this typically happens during the summer, which is worrying.
Decided to use an ozone machine in the room for a full day.
Lacking a bit in specifics.
I utilized a set of button magnets that are commonly available, along with the plates intended for cabinet magnets on the other side
So, is this panel permanently in place now? And how are you supposed to get to it?
Hey Wayne, everything’s sorted now. I don’t really go into this section of the attic often. The only thing keeping it in place are screws or nails around the edges. You can probably spot them if you zoom in because I’ve had to remove it a couple of times.
Suggests cutting an oversized piece of foam core and using Velcro to attach it inside the frame opening. This should help reduce the fumes. Double-sided tape is another option for easy access if needed.
That’s a great solution. Thank you!
Give it a tug, add weather stripping, then put it back in
Let’s try opening it up. Measure the opening, head to the supplier, grab a cubby hole door with weatherstripping like an exterior one, bring it back, install it, paint it. Smell gone, functional door in place.
Is simple to find, appreciate it!
I recently created one myself. You can easily craft your own frame and order a door online. I opted for Blum Compact 38N hinges, which provide a 1/8” gap for weather stripping.