How can I transform my kitchen into a modern farmhouse vibe on a low budget without adding more cabinets?

Asked by Zhané Blokhuis
2 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

Hey there! Need some advice…we’re about to buy a house with a kitchen that needs a little love. We’re planning to make some temporary changes before doing a full renovation in a few years. Our current plan is to paint the cabinets white, add new black hardware, and put in marble countertops. We’re also thinking of painting the bottom of the island a dark blue.

The tricky part is the long blank wall opposite the sink and fridge. Not sure what to do with it 🤔 Since we’re on a tight budget, we can’t add more cabinets or anything like that. We’re thinking of putting a small round breakfast table in the far end corner.

Oh, and ignore the alarm panel – we’re moving that.

We’re going for a modern farmhouse vibe. Excited to hear your ideas! Thanks so much!

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