How can I successfully fill in the big grooves on my busy-looking 90s-style door to make it look more modern and appealing?

Asked by Chloe Fuller
2 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

Hey, I have a question for you. Do you think it’s possible to fill in these big grooves on my door? It’s the same one I have at home, and I’m not a fan of how crowded it looks. I’ve heard of people using Bondo to fill in grooves on furniture, but I’m not sure if it would work on a door. It just gives me major 90’s vibes and I’d love to find a way to spruce it up. Any ideas on how to make it look better? Let me know!

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زهرا جعفری

The glass section is pretty crowded. It’s absolutely crazy. Maybe try hiding it before making any drastic changes.

مهرسا موسوی

Morris, I totally agree. Maybe start by painting the window first.

Lotti Haack

It looks amazing! How about trying a different color? I usually go for Satin on doors.

Orin Van der Zwan

I understand your point. Have you considered enlarging the small squares so they form a single large box around it? Then you can fill in the gaps that do not connect. It’s quite strange, all those small squares.

Elsa Niska

In my opinion, that door is absolutely beautiful. It’s really nice. I wouldn’t make any changes unless you prefer a different color.

Radomir Drljača

I’m really fond of it.

Ricardo Gómez

Trying to fill and sand down those areas to make them blend seamlessly would be a difficult and tedious task. It might be easier to just replace the door.

Clayton Duncan

I agree. Fixing it with bondo would be a lot of work. Plus, I feel like it would still be noticeable, especially in certain lighting.

Ricardo Gómez

Yeah, , that’s right. I’ve used bondo on doors a few times to fill in dents, and it’s really difficult to make it all blend seamlessly.

Karla Andersen

Apply Bondo to fill in the designs, then sand it down to achieve a smooth finish. Make sure to clean it thoroughly before painting.

Jordão Peixoto

Trust me, spending hours sanding down a perfectly good door just to make it unattractive is not worth it. Consider buying a new door instead.

Lea Møller

Consider cutting your door and adding a bigger window – there are plenty of choices available. It might seem overwhelming but it’s actually quite DIY-friendly

Lea Møller
Emily Wilson

Hey , we actually did the same thing. Our door used to be super plain, so we decided to spice it up by purchasing an insert for the door and two more for the side windows from Lowe’s. All we had to do was cut out a hole in the door and voila! The insert fit right in. It was surprisingly simple.

Tammy Richardson

You might want to paint the two side inserts to match your door

Emily Wilson

We considered it, but we prefer it this way

Gonca Dalkıran

Is right. It does seem strange that way.

Clara Christensen

It’s not even your house. So your opinion doesn’t really hold much weight.

Revun Serebryanskiy

How much did the glass cost?

Emily Wilson

I don’t recall, but I believe we found a great bargain. You just need to look around. They might have even been on clearance. I don’t see them listed on Lowe’s website.

پرهام موسوی

Why not just save yourself the hassle and order a new door instead of trying to make the current one look different?

Okan Yetkiner


Gabriel Park

Consider selling the current door to offset the cost of the new one you plan to purchase.

علی کوتی

If you paint it a dark color, it will blend in with the background.

Vilma Rintala

I’d really like that door.. sell it instead of ruining it.. Get a cheaper plain door if you want.

Vilma Korhonen

How about a veneer?

Maya Bouchard

I find it quite nice.

Mikola Yancheveckiy

What a lovely door!

Mitchell Young

Paint it a deep black color.

Liana da Paz

Using ‘bondo’ won’t do the job of making it look good. One option is to change the center glass to something simpler.

Elsa Waara

Consider purchasing a new slab.

Adam Steward

Go ahead and paint the door

Aashish Shah

Unless you get a new door, nothing else will make a difference. Just being honest.

Sue Armstrong


Sue Gibson

Personally, I’d opt for replacing it with something that suits your taste better.

Revun Serebryanskiy

If the bondo is applied too thick, it’s prone to cracking.

Revun Serebryanskiy

You know, you could remove all the shapes and end up with a rectangle where you can install new glass. It might be more cost-effective to get a new door altogether.

Melike Sadıklar

Why not sell it and choose a newer door instead?

Luzineide Rezende

Just picked up one of those doors haha

Oliver Perala

Is it made of fiberglass or steel? The suggestion to cut out shapes is quite amusing. I’ve received around 5 quotes for doors and it’s not as simple as just cutting holes in newer doors. If it’s 36×80, you might consider getting a new door. The cost could range from 1500 to 5600 depending on the door. I believe using Bondo to fill in the grooves might give the glass an odd appearance.

Celine Meyer

Asking for 5k for a new door? Haha, that door costs 600 at Home Depot.

Oliver Perala

It’s actually not. Have a great day!

Fletcher Thomas

That specific door is $968 from the home depot website. if you had them install it, it would be roughly twice that amount, so $1500 for installation isn’t unreasonable, and the home depot installation service is subpar. A provia door (the preferred choice of many window and door companies) starts at around 4k when installed, but can go up to 8 or 9 thousand with more intricate glass options.

Celine Meyer

Since this is a diy group I wasn’t including installation costs

Fletcher Thomas

I hear you. Just wanted to mention that the person who mentioned door quotes between 1500 and 5k wasn’t throwing out unrealistic numbers.

Julia Duran

You could also consider having a local glass company cut out the center and add hurricane glass with privacy. This way, you can change the appearance without needing to replace the entire door and frame.

Eleanor Wells

How about simply covering it with contact paper? 😅

Alex Ortiz

Why not consider getting a new door if you’re not a fan of this one?

Ratimir Miljković

Maybe try changing the glass first and then decide how it looks.

Bhuv Naik

New doors and windows by at Coastal Green Energy Solutions. Contact at 813-720-3794

Angela Fowler

Maybe consider trying a different color, possibly even a wood grain paint. The matte finish gives the inlets a more pronounced appearance.

Angela Fowler

Please share your choice with us

Marina Graboveckiy

Are there no locks?

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