How can I safely remove the 3 cement shelves above my fireplace?

Asked by Lilja Wirkkala
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 1, 2024

Hey, does anyone know how we can get rid of those three cement shelves above the fireplace? Thanks in advance for any tips!

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Dustin Hicks

You could try using a Sawzall to cut the shelves flush and then paint them.

Jessica Warren

It might be a good idea to consult with a mason before proceeding to avoid damaging the other stones. I’m not sure if this method will achieve the look you desire. Have you considered painting the shelves white instead? My concern is that if you manage to cut them flush, they may not match the stone and end up looking like three separate patches.

Rafael Welch

I’d recommend using a grinder with a 4-inch diamond blade to cut off the excess, cut the grout line, and then use a cold chisel to shape it. ‘t forget to prime and paint…

Swarna Gatty

Oh my goodness, my mom’s fireplace had a similar appearance! She removed the tiles and covered it with drywall

Philippe Barnaby

That’s hilarious! I can’t stand them 😞 I really want a mantle!

Swarna Gatty

Oh yeah I really wish I had a picture. She added a new mantle on the dry wall. It’s looking good

Philippe Barnaby

Appreciate all the support! – Gordon Boozan

Marcus Edvartsen

In the aftermath

Yeni Arguello


Byron Spencer

No content

Lawrence Thompson

Our fireplace used to resemble that, with the white washed brick and cement mantles. But it looks different now.

Philippe Barnaby

Really likes this!

Isla Salo

We had a pair of shelves, just identical to those.

Isla Salo

Yep, now we have a mantel. (Please excuse the mess!)

Isla Salo

We decided to hire a mason to take down the shelves. We found the mantel on marketplace for $20 and my husband sanded, stained, sealed, and installed it.

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