How can I safely remove super glue from a plaster wall that has been covered in various adhesives by previous owners without causing damage?

Asked by سام زارعی
7 months ago
Last Updated: August 3, 2024

Hey, do you happen to have any tips for getting rid of super glue from a plaster wall without causing any damage? The previous owner’s kids stuck all sorts of things on the walls, and now I can’t seem to remove the super glue.

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Soham Watts

Use Goo Gone and a razor blade to remove stubborn residue

Barış Ağaoğlu

Give the wall a good sanding before applying a fresh coat of paint

Areta da Paz

Smooth out the wall surface with a skim coat

César Gonzales

Another option is to create a design with the textured parts and paint the rest to blend it all together. If you love traveling, you could even name it Hawaiian Islands.

Kasper Wiita

Have you considered using a heat gun?

Hermenegildo Teixeira

Try chipping it off and giving it a new finish

Benjamín Pedroza

You can only scrape it off, but it’s easy to fix.

Maxine Kuhn

Scraper for shaving

Damião Rocha

Acetone is needed for the task.

Mikail Pleym

Or something like that.

Elijah Thomas

I really appreciate all of your suggestions!

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