How can I safely remove a weathered paint job from an old lamp to restore its original metal finish?

Asked by Fernando QuiƱones
7 months ago
Last Updated: August 1, 2024

Hey there! I’m a bit unsure where to put this, so feel free to delete if it’s too off topic. I have this old lamp that used to belong to my parents and it’s got a lot of sentimental value for me. It was originally a brass color, but a family member decided to paint it to look more “distressed” or weathered. I’m not quite sure what kind of paint they used, but it definitely doesn’t seem to be acrylic because nothing I’ve tried has been able to get it off. I’m just wondering if anyone has any safe ideas on how I can remove this weathered paint job and maybe bring back that shiny metal finish?

I’m not entirely sure what type of metal the lamp is made of. The long upright part is magnetic, but that could just be due to whatever is inside. The jointed horizontal arms aren’t magnetic, and the base is slightly magnetic, but again, that might just be because of whatever’s underneath it. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Yolanda Garica

Unfortunately, you might not have much luck. Certain finishes on lamps are extremely delicate, so even heat or chemical strippers could damage them. You could attempt using a gentle green nylon scrubby with some oil or detergent to see if it comes off, or maybe apply a small amount of heat.

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