How can I safely add steps to the steep walkway leading to our granny flat with my basic carpentry skills and tools?
5 months ago
Last Updated: September 18, 2024
What about using anti-slip stickers instead?
It’s really difficult to determine the angle from the pictures. If it were me, I’d suggest laying down some 2 by 12’s to help figure out the angle. Once you have that, you can start cutting the step from the lumber. I suggest using 3 sticks connected with 2 by 4’s every few feet to keep it stable. After you have the basic frame in place, proceed with installing the risers followed by the kicks. Finally, apply a good primer and paint. I like to add sand to the paint for traction on freshly painted steps to prevent slipping when wet. Hope this guidance is useful. Best of luck!
We redid one last October. Added a step every 72 inches. Determine the length you want to adjust the walkway – that’s your total ‘run’. Calculate the total incline over 10 feet. Do the calculations to find your total rise. We added 1 step that was 7 1/2 inches high every 72 inches. We created a template and used it multiple times. There were 4 paces between each new step.
Dealing with a husband who struggles with stairs, this steep ramp without stairs might be the perfect solution! If you plan on accommodating an elderly relative in your home, you might want to consider keeping it as is. Hopefully, others can offer suggestions on how to improve the situation.
If the anti-slip lines aren’t cutting it, you could try incorporating some 1×2 strips… similar to the ones found on the summit of Half Dome in Yosemite
Haha, that’s great!
You could consider testing out some non-skid paint choices. Make sure to pressure wash first.
Tie a string at the top and bottom, then attach a sled to the line – instant ride up and down!