How can I repair blemishes on these vinyl-wrapped cabinets that I got for an amazing deal?

Asked by Adem Moreau
7 months ago
Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Guess what? I scored a fantastic deal on these cabinets, but unfortunately there are a few imperfections. I included a photo of the biggest flaw. I can tolerate it, but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to fix it. Also, I believe these cabinets are vinyl wrapped, so I’m not sure if using wood filler and sanding will do the trick. Any suggestions?

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Paulo Berger

Wow, these look really nice! You can definitely use wood filler, sand it down, and then paint over it.

Rushil Banerjee

Smooth out with wood filler and sand it down

Jordan Gibson

You’re so lucky! Just sand, fill, sand again, and repaint-

Tanya Jensen

Just sand, fill, sand again, and then paint- super easy to fix!

Zara Evans

Consider sanding and painting the doors.

Frances Jennings

You might want to consider purchasing new doors for the cabinets instead of painting them. Painting might not result in a matching finish.

اميرعلي نجاتی

When painting all of them, it’s a good idea to sand, fill, sand again, and then paint. If you’re not painting them all, consider ordering a new door and a fill stick for any accidental gouges or scrapes.

Joyce Farias

Fill in the wood, sand it down, and then apply a coat of paint.

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