How can I repair a used table with a damaged polyurethane surface without having to sand and reapply the polyurethane completely?

Asked by Ramona Bünger
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 21, 2024

I don’t have a picture because it was difficult to capture, but I recently got a used table that looks like someone covered it with a piece of plastic while the polyurethane was still wet. There are some minor damages on the surface in different areas, and I really don’t want to sand down the whole table and reapply the poly. Do you have any suggestions on the best way to fix this?

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Rathi Patil

Just gently sand any problem areas and buff if sanding doesn’t completely remove the finish

Jordão Peixoto

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Laura Amador

The best method is to sand the entire top surface and then reapply the polyurethane. Attempting to fix small areas usually results in an uneven finish and the patch may end up peeling off.

June Flores

Gently sand before applying a top coat of polyurethane. Then polish the surface.

Conrado Rolón

See the picture below for reference.

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