How can I repair a spinning door lock that won’t open?

Asked by Lucas Lewis
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 29, 2024

Hey, this door lock just keeps spinning and won’t open. Any ideas on how to fix it?

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Adriana Molina

You will need to take out the top and bottom screws using an Allen wrench to remove the handle.
Chances are the latching mechanism is broken. Once you remove the outer parts, you should be able to see how to take out the latch mechanism, which typically has 2 screws on the front.
Bring the mechanism to your local home improvement store to find a matching replacement, then reinstall it.

Ricardo Concepción

Try drilling it out.

Diane Mckinney

It’s best to contact a locksmith.

Wallace Lane

That’s a great question because I have a lock of the same style that behaves similarly. If you keep turning it, it may eventually lock… but sometimes it will unlock or get stuck.

Ángel Cuellar

These storm door locks are really poor quality. It might be best to invest in a new door altogether. There are likely gaps around the door, the rubber seal at the bottom may be worn out, and the closer shock is probably loose. My lock is similar and also spins, sometimes trapping us inside.

Julia Morris

You need to take apart the entire thing from both ends and swap it out for a brand that actually functions.

Norma Ibarra

Is the lock kind of wobbly inside the door trim? It could be that the mechanism to retract the bolt has shifted. Check for a screw on the side or bottom of the door that lines up with the lock, you can tighten it to secure everything in place.

Jill Grant

I had the same issue with my Anderson storm door. I had to call a locksmith to replace the locking mechanism. It seems to be a common problem with these doors.

Aubrey Johnson

The mortise is not in good shape. Try taking the handle apart to check if the pin is broken or if the connector to the throw is damaged. It’s probably best to just replace the entire handle.

Oliver Thompson

Looks like it’s seen better days…time for a replacement.

Chloe Margaret

The center pin holding the handles is square stock with threaded edges. The handle has a set screw on the bottom that should be tightened against one of the four flats of the square stock. If the edges are rounded, you can use a file to create a new flat surface. And yes, you could always just get a new lockset too! I’m sure you already knew that though, LOL.

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