How can I purchase and install a new porch railing that may not align with existing holes and anchors left by the original contractor?
5 months ago
Last Updated: October 4, 2024
I need to get a new porch railing but I can’t figure out the brand or model of the one I have, or where the contractor got it from. How can I buy and install a new railing that might not match up with the existing holes and anchors? What should I do to cover up the old holes and drill new ones for the new railing?
It’s likely just a post sleeve that can be swapped out once the rail is taken off.
I’m not sure about the brand, but we frequently install that same handrail. You’ll need to remove those plugs and use tap con screws designed for brick.
The part that connects to the brick is known as a handrail rosette. Typically, these are blank plates and you have the flexibility to choose the location and number of fasteners. I believe for the metal railing system, it’s a plate that is screwed onto the wall with a cover that slides over it, concealing the screws.
To find an exact match, consider reaching out to building suppliers in your vicinity. Window and decking suppliers… etc. Sending pictures via email or text to an employee usually saves a lot of time. If the exact match is not available, consider replacing both sides.