How can I properly finish my basement to prevent water damage while still allowing for air flow and water movement?

Asked by Ege Öztürk
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 24, 2024

I could use some advice on finishing my basement. I already glued XPS to my walls, and my plan is to tape the seams and spray foam the perimeter, except for the bottom. My thinking is that if water manages to get through the concrete wall, I want to make sure there’s enough airflow to let it escape. For the floors, I’m planning to use DMX 1 step for the same reason.

I’m considering putting a sill gasket under my pressure treated bottom plate to prevent water from wicking up, but then I worry that it might block the airflow and water movement that I was aiming to allow. Maybe I’m making this more complicated than it needs to be.

Also, just as a heads up, the previous owner applied drylock on the walls. There’s a spot where it came off and I noticed some effervescence. I believe I’ve fixed my exterior drainage issue because there hasn’t been any vapor showing on the plastic I taped to that spot as a test.

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