How can I prevent flashing and roller marks when applying another coat of thick BM Regal Select paint – should I change my technique or dilute the paint?
7 months ago
Last Updated: July 28, 2024
So I just finished painting a wall with this really thick BM regal select paint, and when I look at it from a 90 degree angle, I can see some flashing and roller marks. Thinking of doing another coat, and here’s my plan: first, I’ll make sure the roller is loaded up with plenty of paint. Then, after rolling a small section (about 3 nap widths), I’ll go back over it with a nearly dry roller in one straight pass (like top to bottom) to smooth out the paint.
Do you think this change in technique will fix the issues? Or should I also think about watering down the paint a bit? Thanks for any advice!
Avoid letting your roller run dry. This will only remove paint from the walls inconsistently. Roll from the ceiling to the baseboards and make sure to always maintain a wet edge with paint on the roller.
Yeah, I agree with Tim’s point.
Exactly, I agree with ‘s point.
We stick to just 3 types of wall paints – BM regal select, SW duration, and SW emerald. Personally, I’m a big fan of BM and I wouldn’t describe it as too “thick” at all. Can you remind me how many coats you’ve applied so far? Also, what kind of roller cover are you using? Did you make sure to properly load the roller? And did you remember to prime any wall repairs before applying the paint?
Used 2 coats, 3/8 microfiber, no touch-ups. Maybe didn’t lay down nap properly.
So you’re not a fan of Cashmere or Promar?
I think cashmere is alright. The price point is attractive, but I don’t think it justifies the downgrade in my opinion. We used to use PM for commercial projects only, but that’s about it. I’m not a fan.
Do you prefer using Emerald Urethane or BM Advance for trim work?
Prefers emerald. The advance takes forever to dry. Besides, the coverage isn’t that great.
I used to prefer the hybrid Pro Classic. The only issue was the frequent runs. Then I learned about the Urethane and made the switch right away.
A guy gave me 4 white stools and a can of pure black Advance. My sprayer malfunctioned, and I was an hour away from home, so I had to brush them. Surprisingly, they hardly needed a second coat…
A little bit of sanding between coats is necessary.
I do one roller width at a time if it’s full height. Start at the top and work your way down. I roll it 5 times with the last one being nonstop from top to bottom. ‘t go back and re-roll if you missed a spot. Wait until it’s dry.
Do you only use one roller width? It must take you a bit longer to paint a wall, huh? I usually use ¾” covers and do 3-4 widths.
With a 3/8 nap, I’d run out of paint with that many passes.
Yup, that’s why I prefer ¾…
I usually use ¾” covers. Load the roller, make 3-4 passes (always from top to bottom and bottom to top, never stop in the middle) in one direction and then return to the starting point to ensure even coverage. Then go back to the wet edge (with the roller unloaded, but not almost dry) and do a stroke from bottom to top and back down, with the roller lightly touching the wall on the final pass, lifting off at the bottom with the roller still moving. Repeat the process, moving back to the starting point.
I’m thinking of following ‘s advice. I watched some videos of experts doing it. The key is to load it correctly and make the final pass in one direction to smooth it out.