How can I prevent dirt from continuously falling into the drain and causing the rubber cap to sink lower than the surrounding ground?

Asked by Thomas Chavez
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 28, 2024

Hey, does anyone have any ideas on how to handle this situation? The dirt keeps sliding into the drain, and the rubber cap is now sitting about 6 inches lower than the ground around it!

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Kate Stone

To fix it, dig down a foot, cut the pipe, add a coupling, and extend it to the necessary length. It’s not too difficult of a task.

Kate Stone

The type of pipe will determine the coupling you need. Various couplings are available for different pipe types. In case of urgency, you can use a “Fernco”, but ensure you know the size and type of the pipe. Dig a few inches down, take a picture, and share it for assistance. Someone will surely provide helpful insights soon.

Irene Tejeda

If you connect them together, make sure to include a clean out for potential clogs. My suggestion would be to grab a black bucket, cut it to about 7 inches tall without the bottom, and place it underneath. Then, fill the surrounding area with dirt.

Jayden Chan

Surround it with a concrete catch basin box

Rosie Myers

Consider using a gutter drain basin, which can be found at most hardware stores. Customize it by drilling holes and securing it with bolts for a neat and functional look.

Michael Martin

You can simply purchase a ready-made water splash guard. Place it under the downspout to cover the underground drainage pipe. Problem solved!

Michael Martin

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Julian Parker

Replace the soil with rocks or cement in that spot.

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